
Out-of-court dispute resolution
Pashaev & Partners provides mediation services. This is an out-of-court settlement of disputes, which is carried out with the mutual desire of the parties. The participants in the mediation process are not looking for the guilty and the right, but come to a compromise.
After consultation, the lawyer will represent a third neutral party in the dispute. The task of mediation is to reconcile the participants and find an ideal solution to the conflict situation without involving the court. It saves time, nerves and money.
We will help you come to an agreement that satisfies the interests of all parties.
How does the mediation process work?
  • We get acquainted with the claims and documents of the conflicting parties
  • We offer our best solution to the issue and listen to the wishes of the participants
  • The lawyer accompanies and controls the legal side of the issue throughout the mediation process
  • As a third independent party, we control the equality of the parties to the dispute
  • After reaching a compromise, a mediation agreement is signed, and we monitor the fulfillment of obligations by the parties
Employees of Pashaev & Partners have extensive experience in out-of-court dispute resolution and professionally accompany the mediation process.
Contact us and our staff will promptly answer all your questions.
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  • Evaluation
    You receive a professional assessment of the prospective prospects for an out-of-court resolution of your conflict.
  • Choosing a mediator
    We appoint only professional mediators with extensive experience in the practice of successful dispute resolution.
  • Decision
    You get the best of all possible optimal solutions that meet the specifics of your particular dispute.
«Freedom consists in depending only on the laws" Voltaire.»
Head Office
Address: Moscow, Zemlyannoy val str., 1/4 p. 2