Protection of honor

Dignity and business deputation
Business reputation, honor and dignity have been valued at all times.
The right to protect honor, dignity and business reputation is enshrined in the Civil Code, which means that every citizen has the right to refute information discrediting his honor in court.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation defines 2 categories of intangible benefits protected by law:
  • acquired by virtue of birth (for individuals) or creation (for legal entities): health, dignity, personal integrity, life, good name, honor, family and personal secrets, business reputation
  • acquired by virtue of law: the right to choose a place of residence and residence, the right to a name, the right of authorship, other personal non-property rights

The specialists of the international law firm Pashaev and Partners have a successful practice in protecting the honor and dignity of both legal entities and individuals.
By contacting our professionals for help, you get:
  • Legal analysis of disputes on the protection of honor;
  • Our experts will make every effort to resolve the issue without involving the court;
  • If the opponent does not agree to a settlement agreement, our experts will represent your interests in court;
  • Lawyers will ensure that false information is deleted;
  • We will demand compensation for moral damage
By consulting our professionals, our client gets a high chance of a successful outcome of the case.
  • Evaluation
    You get the most professional assessment of your situation within the legal framework
  • Choosing a strategy
    The experience of many successfully won honor defense cases allows you to get the most optimal defense strategy.
  • Decisive measures
    We provide you with the most optimal solution even in the most difficult and confusing situations.
«Never leave the path of duty and honor - this is the only thing in which we find happiness»
- Georges Buffon
Head Office
Address: Moscow, Zemlyannoy val str., 1/4 p. 2